The EI-B Delts have had a busy Winter term in preparation for initiation and the upcoming Spring term! With brothers hard at work at their co-ops, attending the Northern Division Conference, and spending quality time together!
The weekend of February 24th saw the final Northern Division Conference, which will be replaced by regional gatherings, and the first ever Delt Compass event. Eight brothers drove together in a single Chevrolet Suburban to Columbus, Ohio to attend and enjoy a fantastic weekend learning leadership ideals, attending informational sessions to bring teachings back to the shelter, enjoying and bonding with brothers from afar, and earning some marvelous achievements! Alumni Nathan Ply, chapter advisor, and Scott Snyder, Division Vice-President, also attended with their brothers.
On the final day of the Northern Division Conference, Chapter Epsilon Iota-B was awarded with their 23rd Court of Honor gavel, and 14th Hugh Shields award thanks to their perfect FAAR score of 150/150!

Not only were the brothers busy at the Northern Division Conference, they have been hard at work bonding and having fun! Many brothers got together for Red Wings games and a short trip to Windsor, Ontario, for a weekend of activities!
Pictured from left to right, Brothers: Victor Bailer, Brendan Kreft, Bid Acceptor Nate Deddeh, Brothers Daniel Mueller, Colin Mazzola

Brothers walking down the streets of Windsor having a great time, many had not seen eachother in weeks!
Pictured from left to right, brothers: Colton Brown, Noah Schatzley, Victor Bailer, Justin Miller, Collin Schramm
Finally, please join us on May 19th, for the Ritual and initiation of our New Members! If you are interested in coming please contact Brother Colin Mazzola at 248-880-7434.
The EI-B Delts are looking forward to a strong 60th year! With our momentum in full swing we have large and ambitious plans in the works!
Best Regards,
Delts of EI-B