The main reason a couple of us alums have gotten back involved in Gamma Mu Tau was wanting incoming Delts to have the same positive shelter experience that we had (which is definitely not the case now given the condition of the house). Of course, we joined the Delts because of the people – but we benefitted from the hard work and financial resources of Delts and GMT members before us. Not only did we benefit from a nice shelter, we benefitted from lower house bills at a time when we were cash strapped college kids.
We want to pay that forward. While we could mortgage all or part of this much needed shelter renovation, the reality is that there was no mortgage when we lived there and it doesn’t seen prudent to saddle the chapter with a ton of debt and higher house bills (which will hurt rush). Bottom line, we want to impact the lives of these undergraduates in a positive way, and leave a legacy for the Kettering Delts for years to come.
Importantly, as part of the fundraising campaign there is the opportunity to have “naming rights” for the shelter or specific rooms based on giving level. Donors can pool their donations in support of a common goal.
One option we’re pursuing is to have those interested pool their donations in support of naming a room in memory of Dave Price. We propose targeting the Chapter Room ($150k combined donation) but we’re open to other options – including the shelter if enough of us participate.
If you’re interested in joining us in honoring Dave’s memory you can designate it on your pledge form or your on-line donation. Contact Rick Davis (rickdavis67@comcast.net) if you have any ideas or questions about the David Price Memorial.
Rick Davis ’86
Dirk Taylor ’82 B | $520 |
Dave Stenson ’86 B | $10,000 |
Mike Timm ’85 B | $5,000 |
Evan Smith ’86 B | $10,000 |
Bill Bauman ’85 B | $25,000 |
Rick Davis ’86 B | $10,000 |
Gary Blair ’82 B | $10,000 |
<Your Name Here> | |
<Your Name Here> | |
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TOTAL as of 8/3/24 | $70,520 |