Is my donation tax deductible?

Gamma Mu Tau House Corporation is a non-profit but its not a charity, so generally donations are not tax deductible.  With the increase in the standard deductible in the U.S. tax code, for many people this will not affect their taxes anyway. With that said, we do have a limited opportunity to accept tax-deductible donations through our partnership with the Delt Tau Foundation.

How does Tax Deductible Giving work?

Checks are made out to the Delta Tau Delta Foundation and mailed to the address listed on the pledge card. The funds are retained with the Delt National organization but reserved for our renovation project. These funds can only be used for the educational aspects of our project.  There is a process involving architects and lawyers to determine the percentage based on the renovation design. That process is not complete, but we anticipate 15%-25% of the project will be for educational purposes. If the donations collected this way exceed the amount we are allowed to spend, any remaining dollars can be used for the operations of the education areas, so they will eventually be used.

I’m still interested in tax-deductible giving. What next?

First step is to determine eligibility. If you meet one or more of the criteria below then you are eligible to use this option:

  • Gifts eligible for a corporate matching gift
  • IRA distributions
  • Gifts of $25,000 or greater
  • Appreciated Securities

For the reasons described above, our preference is non-tax-deductible giving through the Gamma Mu Tau House Corporation. But if you still prefer this option, especially if it increases the amount of donation such as matching gifts, then please email jsisolak “at”, or phone 734-“four oh four”-7099 for the appropriate form to complete.

Standard Disclaimer

This is our understanding of tax deductibility based on conversations with our fundraising firm, the Delt Foundation, and a law firm familiar with this process. However we are not lawyers or accountants. You may want to seek your own professional advice on such matters.