The Kettering / GMI Delts have embarked on an ambitious journey to transform our shelter at 1210 Dupont back into a home we can be proud of. Those of us from the 2000s and earlier lived in a shelter that was safe, attractive, and conducive to learning. It helped build the bonds of brotherhood that we still enjoy to this day.

How did the house come to be? It was only through the hard work and the generous donations of the alumni before us. They had the vision and foresight to plan and build the shelter in the 50s and 60s. Sadly, many of those alumni are now part of our Chapter Eternal.

Today the Delt house is in serious disrepair. It’s an eyesore that detracts from recruiting the next generation of Delts instead of supporting it.

Now is our time to act. We owe it to the current active membership, our Delt brothers, to give them the same undergrad experience that that we experienced at GMI / Kettering.

We have an opportunity to change the lives of these young men for the better. We can leave a legacy that will last the next 60 years of Epsilon Iota and beyond.