By: Maxwell LaGassa
William Scott earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and completed his undergraduate Co-op with Eaton Aerospace where he has accepted a full-time offer as a manufacturing quality engineer.
Adam Schneirla earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and has accepted a full-time offer at the company he spent his Co-op with, but has neglected to tell me what that company is.
Jackson Percy earned a degree in Business Management and completed the entirety of his undergraduate Co-op with Faurecia Interior Systems. Jackson is moving to Bangkok, Thailand to pursue a career as a Program Sales Coordinator with Faurecia.
Steven Semrau earn a degree in Electrical Engineering and completed his undergraduate Co-op with Bosch. Steven has accepted a full-time position as an Applied Controls Researcher with Southwest Research Institute in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Keaton Giberson earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and completed his undergraduate Co-op with Joyson Safety Systems and Magna Internation. Keaton is currently looking for full-time employment
Devin Spaulding earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and completed his undergraduate Co-op with ABB where he accepted a full-time offer as robotics engineer
Max Lagassa
Congratulations to the newest Alumni of Delta Tau Delta EI-A!