A-Section Historian Archives Revamped

posted in: A Section

We are excited to announce the completion of digitizing all of DTD’s 35mm slides from the 1960s – 1990s. These photos give an in-depth look at the shelter when it was newly purchased by the fraternity. Special thanks to the following who donated money towards a scanner:

Alumni: Donald Tinsley, James Forsyth, Hunter Hull

Actives: Jordan Stolberg, Maxwell LaGassa, Joel Pauline

The complete collection of digitized photos will be available in the A-section Nextcloud and will be shared with the B-section Historian for their records. In the meantime below is a small collection of some of these photos.

Some of the actives, 1960s-1980s

  1. Hunter Hull

    Excellent work Neifer! This is a tedious project that was always talked about but never completed. Glad to see someone make it happen.